Most wastewater treatment processes produce a watery sludge byproduct. Disposing of this sludge can often prove very expensive and for that reason sludge dewatering system is a great option to manage the sludge. In the most challenging and demanding industrial applications, reliable dewatering is critical to maintaining continuous operation. By dehydrating the watery sludge, the weight and volume of the sludge is reduced. This delivers cost savings in terms of energy, water, chemical, foot print, and manpower are the most important aspects of sludge dewatering.
Volute is a 24x7 auto-operational and clog-free Japanese Technology 5th Generation Sludge Dewatering Unit. Volute is a highly efficient, easy-to-operate, quick sludge handling machine which can dewater biological and chemical sludge on a wide range of incoming solid concentration from 2000mg/l to 70000mg/l. Volute is available for (DS) output 1.0 kg/hr. to 1250 kg/hr with waste energy consumption of 0.8kwh of energy for 100kg Dry solid output.
Volute is a complete upgraded version of conventional of screw press.