
Revamping and upgradation of Effluent Treatment Plant is critical for the success of any industry. With the right integration of re-engineering/retro-fitting, and revamping of existing effluent treatment plant and anaerobic system, your risk of the fouling of expensive equipment, and a host of other problems goes down substantially. Revamping/Retrofit is required due to increased flow capacity of the plant, organic load, process change, new environmental legislations, to reduce OPEX costs by having advanced technology, process improvements, corporate sustainability, additional nutrients removal from the system and failure of the existing system.

Revamping and upgradation of Effluent Treatment Plant enhances good quality of your product and increases the service life of your equipment. At SBSEnviro revamping and upgradation of ETP and anaerobic system are done as per client needs and requirements as well as local discharge norms. The revamping/modifications work is carried out using the existing civil and mechanical units already present on the site. During the manufacturing process, many varied effluents and contaminants are produced.

ETP’s remove these high amount of toxic materials, polymers, organics, debris, dirt, grit, pollution etc. Evaporation and drying methods, as well as other auxiliary techniques such as centrifuging, filtration, incineration for chemical processing and effluent treatment are used to retrofit the plant.