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Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)

We design & supply Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor(MBBR) technology & Fluidized Aerated Bed(FAB) technology, which is widely used advanced high rate wastewater treatment process. This system can perform efficiently in both batch & continuous operation. Here free-floating media is used which houses active biomass. It is energy conserving due to use of high efficiency advanced diffused aeration system. The media used in the process is durable

and of high surface area. This is easy to operate and easy to upgrade system without any Civil Modification in existing plant.
The MBBR & FAB media that we provide has void ratio of more than 90% ensures minimal or no clog of biomass inside the individual media element. This range of the medium and large surface media are easily suitable for any shape of reactor.

  • Higher ratio of PSA/TSA (Protected surface area/ Total surface area) ensures maximum active surface area for biological activity.
  • Configuration of media permits lower air quantity by encouraging fine bubble diffused aeration system.
  • Media configuration ensures thinner and active bio film over it.
  • Fluidity in water.
  • Higher values of PSA/TSA ratio indicate lesser area is exposed for wear & tear. This ensures biomass utilizes complete surface area available.